2PF9481 - Seagate-IMSourcing Barracuda ES ST3750640NS 750 GB 3.5 Internal Hard Drive
Vendor: Seagate
The Barracudareg; hard drive gives you one hard drive platform for every desktop storage application. One drive with trusted performance, reliability, simplicity and capacity. 1TB/disk 7200 RPM platform provides affordable...

The Barracudareg; hard drive gives you one hard drive platform for every desktop storage application. One drive with trusted performance, reliability, simplicity and capacity. 1TB/disk 7200 RPM platform provides affordable capacity up to 3TB Seagate OptiCachetrade; technology improves performance by up to 45% Seagate AcuTractrade; technology enables reliable read/write performance even in high touch operating environments Seagate SmartAligntrade; technology for no-hassle transition to Advanced Format 4K sector technology Free DiscWizardtrade; software enables 3TB drive use on legacy PC BIOS as well as Windows XP-based systems
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